490 KG 2545 kg HAND WINCHES x 631.AFL
x Capacities from 80 to 490 kg Self-braked hand winches Occasional use Chassis in bichromated galvanized steel standard model or in 316L anti-corrosion stainless steel stainless steel models ref X Flat mounted 3 fixation points Fixed crank Ratchet and friction automatic brake Options Wire rope m/l or kit and hook see p 84-88 x Dimensions 4 AFLM 4 AFL 6 AFL 8 AFL 12 AFL 294 155 170 295 265 132 167 290 265 132 128 240 250 117 96 197 211 78 96 195 Models L mm S mm J mm N mm 4 AFLMX 4 AFLX 6 AFLX 8 AFLX 12 AFLX Models 294 155 170 295 265 132 167 290 265 132 128 240 250 117 96 197 211 78 96 195 L mm S mm J mm N mm x Technical characteristics 6 AFL 8 AFL 12 AFL 4 AFLM 4 AFL References Capacity top layer kg Capacity 1st layer kg Maxi drum capacity m Wire rope Ø mm Weight without wire rope kg Price 80 190 8 3 2.2
147 240 500 12 5 3.6
165 270 650 19 6 5.5
211 490 900 12 7 7.4
331 190 340 10 4 2.5
152 References 4 AFLMX 4 AFLX 6 AFLX 8 AFLX 12 AFLX Capacity top layer kg Capacity 1st layer kg Maxi drum capacity m Wire rope Ø mm Weight without wire rope kg 240 500 12 5 3.6
270 650 19 6 5.5
490 900 12 7 7.4
190 340 10 4 2.5
80 190 8 3 2 676 877 755 1 191 Price 1 783 The wire rope diameter corresponds to the capacity on the top layer with a safety coefficient of about 5 when lifting with non-rotating wire rope The wire rope diameter corresponds to the capacity on the top layer with a safety coefficient of about 5 when lifting with non-rotating wire rope x Strong points Small footprint Quick and easy installation of the wire rope Cable clamp included Gear protection Stainless steel model x Applications Short lifting applications chandeliers Lifting of a filter in a tank Lifting of a tank in the food industry HAND WINCHES 26