x Capacities from 250 to 1500 kg Multifunctional compact electric winches with a high duty factor FEM 1Cm / 1Bm / 1Am - Occasional moderate or accentuated use depending on model Aluminum housing Mechano-welded steel drum Greased reducer with helical gears Asynchronous motor IP 54 protection Automatic lack of current brake Single phase power 230V-50Hz or three phase 400V-50Hz other tension on request depending on model Very low voltage control BT ensuring user protection against electrical risks single speed models BT or speed variation model VV In addition to the advantages of very low voltage the VV control allows variation of the winding speed smooth starts and stops 3 buttons pendant control Up - Down- Emergency Stop Removable 3 m long control cable on BT models Not removable 3 m long control cable on VV models Options Wire rope m/l or kit and hook see p 84-88 Limit switch Rope press roller Electronic load limiter Grooved drum Radio control Thermal circuit breaker Other options see p 64-69 COMPACT ELECTRIC WINCHES x TRBOXTER TRBoxter 500 kg low voltage control 1 speed model BT TRBoxter 1500 kg low voltage control variable speed model VV x Strong points Many fixations possibilities on trolley see p 52 on ceiling Reliability of electric and electronic components Long drum models T drum length and wire rope capacity x 1.5
Drum protected by an orientable perforated metal sheet Wide flanges for large cable capacity Highly reliable cable clamp not requiring special tool with rope winding direction guide Nut cage for easy attachment See the following pages Stainless steel range p 42 High lifting range p 52 ELECTRIC WINCHES 34